Save abused tigers in Florida!

A video has been released in which a group of tigers are being used as entertainment at the Pages White Tiger Show. During this video, taken by a child during her class's field trip, one of the tigers scratches his trainer who immediately starts hitting it with a rod. Seconds later, the tiger is dragging the woman across the cage and a second trainer comes to help. With both of them thrashing rods on the poor creature's head, it lets go and runs to cower from them in fear.

What is obvious here is that the animals are not happy and have been cruelly beaten into submission by the owners of the gig. Scared, abused and used for pure, unscrupulous entertainment.

Terrified and forced to work in unnatural conditions, these tigers are unpredictable and need to be in a safe environment where they can recover from the psychologically traumatic life they have been living.

They must be taken away from the Pages White Tiger Show and released to a wildlife sanctuary now. Before the tigers waste away from abuse, before they hurt someone more seriously and are put down, before it's too late.

Sign now to save them!

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