Stop Making Citizens Criminals

This petition is only for the citizens of Copperas Cove, TX. The city decided to have a law to ban feeding feral/stray cats. They will fine any person $200 doing it. The don't want to have trap-neuter-return in their city. They would rather kill them or starve them to death. Feeding bans have not worked in other cities and they ended up adopting TNR as part of the solution in the end. Copperas Cove needs to be more open-minded and do like all the other cities nearby.

A combination of ways will help control the overpopulation, but doing nothing will not. Instead of making criminals of the good samaritans of Cove, they should make laws to go after the citizens causing the problems. Mandatory spay/neuter, unless you have a breeding license, would be an excellent start.

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