A scene from Taiji yesterday never to forget... A mother Dolphin places herself between the killer and her baby. .. With a heartbreaking ending..  Just SO WRONG .. On the shores of a remote Japanese fishing village "Taiji" the community’s annual September dolphin hunt begins. Local fishermen herd dolphins into an isolated cove and spear them to death. The scene is like a bad nightmare...The little-known fishing village of Taiji, in central Japan, gained instant  notoriety when the Academy-award winning documentary The  Cove depicted the hunt in all of its gory detail. The fishermen contend  that foreign protestors do not understand or respect their local culture and are hypocritically overlooking their own slaughterhouses.  Meanwhile Japanese nationalists taunt protestors by gathering in Taiji for what appears to be a dolphin meat barbecue. The nature of the meat served is not confirmed by independent sources, though it is heavily implied over loudspeakers as the fishermen turn their slabs on the grill.


We want the cruel barbaric slughter of dolphins in Taiji Japan to STOP. We want it banned for good.

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