New legislation on animal protection in Croatia

Here's how we can win again. Here's how we can get one of the biggest wins so far. All of us together. To crown our work, our desire and our prayer in making a new law on the protection of animals! Do you know who writes it? Those who have been chosen and given we them a salary to do it because we want to make things look one way or another! (do not forget-who is there for anyone!) Well, now we have to tell them what we want to write in this new law. Send e-mail ministry, please! And please do not that because of us but because of all those animals weep over which images while viewing them in our (or someone else's) profile! We want to take dogs at shelters stop killing! We want to abolish the 60 days! We want to ban dog racing! We want to ban bullfighting! We want the police to animals!  Believe that someone will read your mail. If thousands of us gets to be called - public pressure! 

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