Demand an end to pig races at the Meadowlands Fair in New Jersey

  • av: Peter G
  • mottagare: CEO and President of State Fair Al Dorso Sr, Mayor of East Rutherford, NJ James L. Cassella, Humane Society of Bergen County New Jersey

I would like to see the cruel and inhumane form of "entertainment", known as pig racing ended at the Meadowlands State Fair in New Jersey.

These pigs are often frightened and confused. They are often subjected, by the pig racing companies, (not Al Dorso or the Meadowlands Fair), to severe abuse in order to force them to provide "entertainment" at the Fair. These innocent animals are transported from Fair to Fair, in cramped transport cages, in extreme temperatures without adequate food or water. The baby pigs are, obviously, ripped away from their mothers, just to be used for greed and "entertainment". This MUST be stopped at the Meadowlands Fair.

Cruelty to animals is neither fun nor ethical. It is a known fact that pigs have the intelligence of a 3 year old child and subjecting these babies to this unethical practice is wrong!


   I would like to see the cruel and inhumane practice of pig racing stopped at the Meadowlands State Fair.  These pigs are often put through rigorous training methods, by the owners of the racing companies, (NOT Al Dorso or the Meadowlands Fair) involving electric shocks, beatings, and food deprivation all in order to FORCE these baby pigs to perform acts that are unnatural.  Do not pass off their abuse and exploitation as "entertainment" !

Uppdatera #58 år sedan
I spoke with Mr. Dorso today and he told me assured me that he, personally, would not stand for any abuse towards these pigs. The family that owns these pigs, according to Dorso, are treated very well. He told me that I am invited to go to the fair myself and check on the conditions of the pigs. That if I saw ANYTHING that I would consider inhumane treatment, I could report it. So, I am closing this petition, and if needed later on, I will definitely open up another one.
Uppdatera #48 år sedan
The article regarding the petition was published yesterday in The Record (a newspaper here in NJ) . Attached is a link to the article.
Also, I haven't gotten any responses back from my e-mails to Al Dorso, Jr. Feel free to contact him at,, and leave a 1 Star Rating for the Fair on Facebook at State Fair Meadowlands.
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Good News !!! .... or at least a step in the right direction. I was called by a reporter from the The Record (a newspaper here in New Jersey). She said that she is interested in doing a story about this petition to stop the baby pig abuse at the Meadowlands Fair.
Thanks again for all of your support ...... we must be the voice for these babies.
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Thank you to everyone that has signed my petition !!!!! It's amazing that as of today (2/28) we are closing in on 12,000 signatures. It's great to see that so many people care for these innocent babies. This evening, I sent an e-mail out to Al Dorso, Jr, and I cc'd the Humane Society of Bergen County, and 3 Council members of the Borough of East Rutherford. I will keep you updated ......
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thanks to everyone who has signed my petition ! We already have over 1000 signatures and are well on our way of reaching the goal of 1500. I will be contacting some media outlets tomorrow to further this cause. We must be the voice of the voiceless. I will keep you updated.
Thanks again !
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