Stop Greyhounds being Exported to China

We, the undersigned ask the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to stop all future of exports of racing greyhounds to China.

We ask the parliament to introduce legislation which prohibits the export of racing greyhounds and other dogs and cats  for commercial benefit to be banned to countries which do not have animal welfare legislation equal to or better than that of Australian States and Territories.

We,the undersigned, ask Australian Government to NOT to involve themselves or the Australian tax-payers in the setting up/exporting of  greyhound services or technologies to countries that do not have animal welfare legislation equal to or better than that of Australian States and Territories..
The greyhound racing industry is posed to expand dramatically in the near future in Asia. The People's Republic of China have no animal welfare laws. Dogs are eaten, pets are skinned alive for their fur and dogs are beaten to death during rabies outbreaks. We have grave concerns for the treatment of all animals and are particularly concerned that Australian greyhounds will suffer this treatment.

We, the undersigned ask the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to stop all future of exports of racing greyhounds to China.

We ask the parliament to introduce legislation which prohibits the export of racing greyhounds and other dogs and cats  for commercial benefit to be banned to countries which do not have animal welfare legislation equal to or better than that of Australian States and Territories.

We, the undersigned, ask Australian Government to NOT to involve themselves or the Australian tax-payers in the setting up/exporting of  greyhound services or technologies to countries that do not have animal welfare legislation equal to or better than that of Australian States and Territories.
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