Justice for wix!

  • av: Amy
  • mottagare: Brown county police department

This is the 5th k9 officer to die due to being left in a car this summer. This should not happen ever! No animal deserves this. Justice needs to be taken. And I believe a heart monitor on all k9s is mandatory. If there is any sign of distress it will go off to the officer/handler. They deserve love & be taken care of. Please help to make this change.

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
The K9 named Wix was a 3yr old male Belgian Malinois died. Wix & his handler, Deputy Austin Lemberger were outside the car, & the dog was left in the squad car with the engine and a/c running. The sheriff's office says Lemberger checked on Wix regularly Wednesday morning. But he found Wix unresponsive around 12:30 pm. The a/c had failed & the car's K9 heat alarm did'nt activate. Link: http://abc7chicago.com/news/police-dog-dies-at-pga-championship-when-air-conditioner-fails/936714/
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