Petition to Keep Galapagos Safe from Environmental Harm from US Military Action

The Goal: To Prevent the US Military from Using the Galapagos Islands for Military Purposes

The Problem: The Galapagos Islands are home to one of the world's most diverse eco-systems. Unfortunately, this rich ecosystem is now at risk, thanks to a pivotal decision made by the Ecuadorian government in July. According to reports, Ecuador has agreed to allow the US military to use one of the islands in the chain as an airbase. San Cristobal has had an airport for a long time, but the amount of aircraft that travel in the area is low. If the US begins using this as an airbase, the amount of air travel in the area will increase, and this could have a potentially detrimental effect on the delicate Galapagos eco-system.

The Solution: In order to solve this issue and keep the Galapagos safe from unnecessary pollution, the government should consider revoking the decision to allow US military activity in the area. Not only is the Galapagos an area of environmental value but it also encourages many people to travel to Ecuador. If the Galapagos region doesn't stay rich in eco-diversity, Ecuador hotels and tour operators could suffer as a result. If you'd like to know more about the Galapagos and Ecuadorian travel, click here.

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