Please improve things for the animals at Center Parcs!

My family and I have, this year, taken two holidays to Center Parcs Longleat Forest. On both of those occasions, we have encountered cats who were hungry and, presumably, lived rough in the forest. One of them even had two kittens. Cats Protection reckoned that Center Parcs fed them and that the cats were sometimes health-checked and spayed/neutered, but whatever is being done possibly isn't enough. We also had a deer come a few times who had patches of fur missing.
Also, although ParcMarket now has charity pots/a charity pot, for which I will thank them, they could possibly do more for charities. They could have more different charity pots about and have food banks (preferably including an RSPCA one) in ParcMarket.
Center Parcs, please, please do more for the animals, charities and become more ethical (more fair trade products, organic products, vegan products, cruelty-free cosmetics and household products and natural remedies).

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