In this One Town 13,000 Dogs Are Killed Each Month

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Syamsu Ma'arif, Director of Veterinary Public Health, Agriculture Ministry of Indonesia
A majority of Indonesian citizens look down on eating dog meat, but it is still a popular staple in many parts of the country. By some estimates, the Javan city of Solo alone slaughters more than 13,000 dogs a month. In a city of just 500,000 people, that's a staggering 38 dead dogs per person per month!

But this isn't just a problem on Indonesia's most populous island. On the island of Sulawesi, "extreme markets" scattered across the island murder thousands of dogs each week. The Tomohon Extreme Market  actually welcomes tourists to see the horrors. Unsuspecting travelers with their children are often greeted with macabre scenes of death and suffering.

These animal markets shouldn't be attractions, they should be shut down, now.

According to eyewitness accounts, dogs are beaten with clubs and then blow-torched alive to burn off their fur. The photos are too shocking to share on this petition, but they are enough to make any animal lover weep.

The dog meat business is not regulated by the Indonesian government. That means, aside from the brutal treatment of the dogs, the safety of the community is also put at risk. The providence and cleanliness of the animals and the slaughterhouses is suspect, and they risk spreading diseases like rabies to whole communities.

What's more, many of the dogs killed were actually people's pets that were stolen. It is an all-around dirty and vile business.

After years of pressure, the Indonesian government said they would pass legislation to ban the dog meat trade, but, as of yet, nothing has happened. Meanwhile, thousands more dogs have died.

It must end now.

Please take a second to sign this petition. And ask Indonesia's Agriculture Ministry to ban the dog meat trade now.
Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Encouraging news! Authorities in Solo have promised to outlaw the dog meat trade. While this is exciting we have heard other Indonesian politicians make the same promise without future action. We can't stop fighting until a real law is on the books. Please share this petition to keep up the pressure.
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