• av: L U
  • mottagare: Miraflores Mayor, Miguel Muñoz

Miraflores is a district of the city of Lima, Peru. Its central park is Kennedy Park, which is also habitat of many cats. These cats have been object of different kind of animal abuse and cruelty, which the last weeks has been increased. Three of them have had to be euthanized due the severity of its wounds.

There are civil organizations which try to do its best to help and feed these cats but it is no enough. These people say the workers of a construction around the park are the ones who have hurt these cats, some have seen a few some cats getting out the construction zone wounded. Many other have just disappeared.

Miraflores Mayors have never care enough for these sweet and helpless animals in the past, this time it hasn't been the exception unfortunately. The current Mayor, Miguel Muñoz has not pronounced less is doing something to stop this situation. Please, help us to help these cats!

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