An End to the Slaughter and Trade of Dolphins in Taiji, Japan

    In Taiji, Japan, the practice of capturing dolphins to slaughter or trade has been happening for years. There is a cove where the Japanese gather dolphins and separate the babies from their mothers for different purposes. The babies are sold to water parks where they hold marine mammals, because they are easier to train. They end up in tanks and have no space to swim freely like if they were in the ocean. The mothers or other older dolphins are slaughtered right there and then. The dolphin population is decreasing because of this. Dolphin meat used to be sold spreading mercury poisoning to people all over Japan. Some change has happened by banning dolphin meat from being sold. We need more change by banning the slaughter and trade of dolphins in Japan and we need Prime Minister Shinzō Abe to make that happen.
    Dolphins are mammals just like we are. They are loving and innocent that deserve to be free and safe in the ocean with their pods and families. Seeing that they are being slaughtered in Japan is heartbreaking. I can’t believe there are people that cruel on this Earth, but there are also people like us to make a change. There are cove monitors that volunteer to stop the dolphin slaughter. When there are people watching, no killing occurs. The season to kill dolphins is around September, so when that time comes around, the workers make sure there are no cove monitors present by kicking them out.
    I ask for you to petition for this to come to an end. Slaughtering and trading dolphins in Japan needs to stop. There needs to be laws that make it illegal to hunt and capture dolphins. These creatures aren’t for humans to be do whatever they want with them. We plead Japan to make these laws. So sign this petition to make these changes and save the lives of these loving dolphins.
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