Justice-4-Arizona the dog.

  • av: Paula Pfeifle
  • mottagare: Deputy Navajo County Attorney Michael Tunink, Flagstaff, Arizone

There have been many Officer involved shootings of dogs lately.  This story is a little different.  This Officer did NOT shoot this poor dog.  Instead, this dog was strangled with a cable wire, stomped & kicked instead of being humanely euthanized.  The NAVAJO DISTRICT ATTORNEY said there's NOT ENOUGH EVIDENCE to charge this officer.  Really?  There was a witness...the OFFICER that accidently hit this dog with his patrol car.  
There needs to be accountability...there needs to be justice & there needs to be training for these Officers so these poor animals aren't treated like this again.  This poor dog was hit by a car & as if that wasn't traumatic enough then this poor dog gets treated like this by someone who has SWORN TO PROTECT & SERVE. 

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