Support the DENIAL of Shock Probation for CAT MUTILATOR Alex Phelps!!!!!!

This man was given a 5 YEAR sentence on 1/11/2013 and immediately was eligible for parole. Thanks to the outpouring of support from the community, the victims, and the prosecuting attorney..we were able to convince the parole board that he should NOT BE RELEASED for another 2 years!! He isnt even supposed to be CONSIDERED for parole until 2015!

    • This man is DANGEROUS. This case was one of the most stressful times of my live and the other victims lives and one of the most brutal crimes against animals that I have ever seen. 

    • Not only was it a nightmare to think about the pain and suffering of the animals but its the man who commintted the crimes that causes the most distress. He didnt seek out just any cats that he could get his hands on. 

    • He sought out cats that were loved and cared for by people, cats that they didnt want to get rid of. 

    • He was a MASTER manipulator and said everything you could possibly want to hear if you were planning on rehoming your cat. 

    • He was thorough and convincing. He was without conscience. 

    • He preferred to seek out animals from Craigslist but that isnt the only method he used. We know that he attacked the cats of his own grandparents as well as neighbors cats. 

    • Last but not least he sought out the cat of people that he was friends with. He was a previous classmate and longtime friend of my roommate and also friends with my boyfriend and myself and was often a visitor in our home. He offered to take in a cat that we rescued and couldnt care for. About a month later he was arrested, we never saw our cat again or received any type of explanation.

This man tortured these cats to the point that they would break their own limbs attempting to escape the pain and literally bled out ot the point that even their hearts were empty of blood. They did not die quickly. These animals did not deserve this and its up to us to fight for them.

He has no remorse for his actions. I have seen his initial arrest interview, and watched him in each of the court hearings and meetings and trials. I know him and how he was as a person before this happened. He does not feel he did anything wrong. I have evidence that he intends to potentially get revenge against the people who have supported his incarceration.

PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS MAN OUT OF JAIL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Even the parole board agreed that people with a history of animal abuse like this are extremely likely to become serial killers of human beings. The prosecuting attorney who has been practicing law for 25+ years even showed up to the parole hearing, and he had never made an appearance at ANY parole hearing up until the Alex Phelps case, because he was so disturbed by the case. 

We gathered over 26000 signatures from all over the world to submit to the parole board to prevent him from being paroled, as well as had the support of PETA, ASPCA, Alley Cats, No Kill Louisville, Hope For Pets and other programs.

We have a website set up dedicated to this case and so that people can stay up to date with what is going on with him and also support each other through this thing.

Search Facebok for "Maximum Punishment for cat mutilator, Alex Phelps".


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