Justice for Comet!! PLEASE SIGN!!

  • av: Dianne Lynn Elko
  • mottagare: Fayette County Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals

Justice must be saught for Comet.This poor soul did nothing to anyone.I blame the owners and the Fayette Co.S.P.C.A.

Here is the story.....

Comet, a Golden Retriever mix, was hit by a car in late April. The impact from the vehicle broke his back and injured his rear legs.

Eventually, after eight days at the Fayette County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Uniontown, Pa., he was taken to a veterinarian where he was humanely euthanized.

Now, a blame game is underway.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the FCSCPA believes that the fault lies with the dog's owner who waited for over a week to surrender the dog to the shelter.

But the rescuers who initially turned the dog over to the shelter, believing that he would receive veterinary care for his injuries, are angry that Comet was left untreated for so long, and they are pointing the finger at the FCSPCA.

The attorney for the FCSPCA has stated,

 "This dog was not in any obvious distress. They gave him as much comfort as possible, but we couldn't incur a veterinary bill without the consent of the owner," 

Dozens of networkers who corresponded via Facebook are outraged that a dog with such grievous injuries was allowed to sit in a kennel run, without treatment, for over a week...regardless of the indecision on the part of Comet's owner.

These individuals want to know why something was not done sooner. Or, if Comet was so grievously injured, why he was not euthanized immediately.

Right now, it is a blame game. Sadly, in this game, the dog was the ultimate loser.

Where do you stand?

Does the responsibility lie completely with the dog's owner?

In cases of severe injury, should the animal shelter be mandated to provide, at the minimum, pain-relieving medication?

In cases of serious injury, when an animal's owner is known, should shelters be able to require an owner to make a decision about whether or not to sign over ownership within a shorter period of time?

How could situations like this be avoided in the future?

This is just un-acceptable for any so-called-society for the prevention of cruelty to animals to do.

What kind of facility is this?They must pay for what they did.

To F.C.S.P.C.A.,we the petition signers are letting you know that what occured to this animal is totally UN-acceptable.Your job is to protect animals;not allow suffering.You failed this poor animal and we as a caring community want to see that this does not ever occur again.

Thank you for your time on this important issue.

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