Put Andy Pacetti on the Ballot in November!

Republican-appointed judges on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled against democracy in Georgia by overturning a lower court ruling that made signature requirements for ballot access consistent for all Federal elections in Georgia.

"A 1943 state law sets a 1% signature threshold for third-party candidates seeking statewide office such as governor or U.S. senator, but raises the signature requirement to at least 5% of registered voters for other offices such as U.S. House or state legislative seats."

Andy needs your help now to meet this 5% requirement.

No other 3rd-party or independent candidate has met this threshold since the original law was passed in 1943, but we believe that the people of Georgia's 3rd Congressional District deserve to have a choice.

Democracy demands it.

If you are a registered voter in the Georgia 3rd--even if you typically vote Republican or Democrat--will you stand with us by signing Andy's ballot access petition?

Signing this petition will not affect your ability to vote in your chosen primary in any way; it's not even a commitment to vote for Andy.

It is, however, a commitment to stand for the democratic principles that are a hallmark of our Constitutional republic.

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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