A New Bill Will Make It Illegal to Capture and Breed These Four Whale Species, Huge Progress in the Fight Against Whale Captivity!

For years, animal rights groups have been sounding the alarm on the horrific treatment of sea mammals in zoos and aquariums. Yet wildlife entertainment prisons like SeaWorld continue to exist, making millions of dollars each year off of the captivity and display of trapped mammals. Now, a historic new bill in Congress could be an important step towards changing that. 

Sign now to demand that Congress pass the Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings Act!

The Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings Act is crucial to ending the captive display of sea mammals, like orcas, beluga whales, false killer whales, and pilot whales. The bill would directly address some of the root causes of captive display, like breeding programs, wild roundups, and animal imports and exports, which directly supply the terrible industry in which whales suffer. While the bill itself doesn't make captive display illegal, it makes it more difficult, and will hopefully pave the way towards a more humane future.

It is no secret that whales should not be held captive. In the wild, these giant creatures can travel up to 100 miles per day, interacting with their fellow pod mates and actively hunting for live prey. In captivity, none of this is possible. Instead, whales in zoos and aquariums have exhibited scary and unhealthy behaviors, from aggression against humans to spending most of their time floating at the surface, which can have dangerous health consequences, like dorsal fin collapse. 

If the well-being of wildlife matters at all to people in Congress, they would immediately pass the Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings Act. Sign the petition now to tell our elected officials that we must protect sea mammals and make sure they are kept out of inhumane cages that make money for entertainment companies!

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