Stop the Housing Rip Off!
Demand that the Biden Administration implement mass-produced building construction instead of today's profligate "hand-made" method.
Almost all manufacturing today is mass production -- except in the construction industry, where buildings are assembled archaically piece by piece on site -- which results in our housing affordability crisis. It is high time to bring the construction industry up to the 21st century! Aesthetic prefabricated walls, floors, and roofs have long existed in this country. Today, even 3D printed housing has begun.
Demand the Biden Administration bring the building construction industry up to the 21st century! Similar to what has already been mandated with HUD's energy code, demand that it must specify only prefabricated sustainable wood for all building construction.
If we are to avoid the onslaughts of ever more frequent drought, floods, hurricanes, and sea level rise, it is critical that stricter sustainability laws must be implemented:,they%20should%20be%20this%20decade
Concrete and steel are second after fossil fuels in accelerating global warming:,cause%20soil%20erosion%2C%20water%20pollution%20and%20flooding
Both also have far higher manufacturing costs than wood, since extraction and refining are involved.
Strength objections are refuted by the fact that railroad trestles, some still in use today, were of timber pilings. Is there any existing high rise you know of which carries the weight of a train?
Durability objections are refuted by the fact that Venice is built upon timber pilings, while many US cities have century-or-more-old timber wharves and piers still in use.
If we are to achieve true housing affordability, it must be done as has long been established in all other industries -- through mass production.
Under today's inflationary market pressures, who is to prevail, the construction lobby or the public at large? Add your name to assert your right to affordable housing!
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