7 Penguins Drowned at Calgary Zoo: Shut Down the Exhibit!

A great tragedy has happened at the Calgary Zoo: seven penguins died suddenly, drowning in their own diving pool. Veterinarians at the zoo expect that the penguins died from a sudden stressful event.

This kind of death should be preventable. Penguins should not be suddenly and mysteriously dying of stress. Drowning is a nearly unheard of death for penguins.

Because of this, the Calgary Zoo should shut down their penguin exhibit and find new and appropriate habitats for the remainder of the penguins who live there. These penguins should be living in a place where they are not exposed to sudden stressful events that could cause them to die.

Sign today to protect the penguins at Calgary Zoo. Ask the zoo to shut down its exhibit and send the animals to a sanctuary to ensure their long-term safety. 

To Dr Clément Lanthier, 

As someone who cares deeply for the welfare of all animals I am deeply concerned about the recent drowning deaths of seven penguins in your zoo. 

Drowning is a nearly unheard of death for penguins and your vets are saying that this is likely caused by an unknown stress event. Because of the unknowns involved in the death and because so many penguins have already died, it is your responsibility to protect these penguins by shutting down the exhibit and finding new habitats for them that would ensure their long-term safety. 

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