Tougher sentencing for animal abuse cases.

An overhaul of sentencing guidelines for serious abuse cases regarding all animals.
Sentencing somebody to 8 months for the beating of a dog leading to it's death (Crown v Milledge) for example is far from adequate.
Torturing, severely beating or causing death to an animal, regardless of 1st offence or not should have a baseline of 4 years with options for longer dependent upon severity etc.
I'm a rescuer of dogs and parrots and have taken in animals that have had some shocking treatment meted out to them when they put their trust in us to keep them safe, as they do for us. They deserve better, they deserve to be respected enough that their life matters. No slaps on the wrists nor ridiculous community service sentences or imprisonment measured in weeks. Adequate, punitive and enough to hopefully dissuade somebody from offending in this way should be the bare minimum.

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