University of Sheffield - Reduce Your Testing on Animals

Freedom of Information requests discovered that the University of Sheffield killed 82,512 animals in tests during the 2015/16 academic year - an average of 226 animals killed each day.

In 2014/15, 67,236 animals were used and killed for testing purposes, with this figure going up 22.7% during 2015/16. The University should be cutting down not increasing the number of animals it uses in experiments!

With almost 90% of drugs that pass animal tests failing human trials, these animals are undergoing immense suffering for very limited benefit, undermining public support, social progression and current medicinal advancements.

We are requesting for the University to move away from testing on animals such as pigs, rabbits, mice, rats, gerbils and fish and to cruelty-free testing methods such as digital dissection software and human simulators.

Information provided by The Tab (2016)

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