Database of State Greyhound Disciplinary Rulings

For more than a decade, GREY2K USA has been working hard to research greyhound racing.  Through thousands of public information requests made to multiple states, we have documented the cruelty of dog racing in every racing state.

In addition to our previously produced reports, we are now making disciplinary records available to you. Our new Database of State Greyhound Disciplinary Rulings contains nearly 3,000 state investigative reports.

Some of the state rulings in this database are for minor infractions, while other rulings relate to serious cases of cruelty including the infamous Robert Rhodes and Ronnie Williams cases.

The database is searchable, and the rulings span a 22-year period from 1990 to 2012. It's important to note that this database represents responses we received from official sources and is offered for informational purposes only. Case information in the database may or may not be complete, and may or may not include the full disposition of a particular disciplinary matter. For additional information, contact Christine Dorchak.

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