Demand that Ridglan Farms Inc. Stop Raising, Skinning, Selling, and Torturing Animals

Ridglan Farms Inc. is a biomedical company located in Wisconsin that has bred beagles specifically to be sold to labs for research laboratory testing and for their organs. They say they breed about eight to eleven generations of beagles for their testing. Buyers can even make other special requests such as for pregnant cats, for the animal to have its vocal cords removed (so they can't hear the screams?), or even for skinned animals.

The USDA inspectors have found numerous AWA violations that resulted from insufficient veterinary care and a lack of monitoring their daily health which included: finding a dead puppy stored in a refrigerator that was used to store medications; there were also numerous dogs with very obvious injuries and medical problems, some of which had blood on them or in or around their cages; including a partially conscious puppy that had just been born who was shaking and dehydrated. He was so sick that they had to euthanize the puppy. The report shows that they found the lab kept many dogs in cages in the dark; in damaged and filthy cages where they had lots of urine and feces in their cages; dogs were being kept together in cages regardless of temperament or safety; and they even found dead and rotting mice in several of the laboratory’s buildings. They even had reports of them killing and dissecting dogs in front of the caged dogs which as you can imagine, causes them tons of stress. Upon inspection of some research labs, inspectors have reported finding massive fly infestations and dogs with major injuries or dead in their cages, often times with blood all over the animal and or the cage.


Dear owners of Ridglan Farms Inc.:

The time has come to stop torturing animals. We Americans have come to understand that animals are sentient beings, living things that experience fear, and horror, and pain. What you're doing to them is vile, and despicable, because not only are you growing helpless animals to be sold for torture, you are seriously neglecting their physical and mental care while they live in your custody. 

Your behavior is heinous. What you are doing is monstrous.

You must stop. We demand it.


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