Save the Snow Leopards

Many snow leopards are in danger, because in Asia they use their Organs, Bones and Skin as a traditional medicine. Also the people who only get paid about $300 per year can perhaps earn $200 for a dead snow leopard, this shows that many people are confident and keen to kill a healthy snow leopard just for money!

Have you considered the snow leopards that are unhealthy because of how much food they can hunt, well some of the snow leopards hunt for their food where the famers take their livestock, and when the farmers come back from leaving their goats , sheep and cows for the night , they find them dead but when a farmer see 's this they will definately hunt to kill the snow leopard itself.

Finally alot of people hunt snow leopards for their skin, so they can use their fur as a coat , but they don't just shave them they kill them.  

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