Demand Amazon Stop Selling Cruel Glue Traps For Rodents

Right now listed on Amazon are glue traps for mice and rats. These cheap traps do not kill rodents immediately. Instead the mouse or rat gets stuck in the glue and they slowly starve to death over many days. Mice and rats also die of heart attacks from panic. Sometimes the rodent will chew off their own limbs trying to get free. These glue traps are extremely inhumane and just plain cruel. No sentient animal that can suffer and feel pain should die this way. Some stores have pulled glue traps from their shelves but Amazon still sells these horrific devices. Please sign this petition and demand Amazon ban rodent glue traps.

Uppdatera #35 år sedan
If you care about the smallest, sentient creatures languishing in cruel glue traps right this minute please sign and share this petition on facebook and Twitter. Tweet at Amazon and Jeff Besos too! Thank you!
Uppdatera #25 år sedan
Dear animal activists, We are getting closer to the 1000 signatures mark. Currently we are at 710. Everyday Amazon sells or allows the sale of these cheap glue traps means another day of pain and misery and a long, slow death for mice, rats, kittens and birds caught in these viciously cruel devices. Tweet at Amazon, leave random messages on Amazon's Facebook. Share this petition far and wide and help us educate the general public about the plight of animals caught in glue traps. Thank you!
Uppdatera #15 år sedan
I realize that standing up for rodents is not popular however it is the right thing to do. It's my thorough belief that mice and rats are sentient beings that feel pain and terror when they get caught in these glue traps. Animal cruelty is illegal and Amazon is guilty of abbeting animal cruelty by selling and profiting off these monsterous devices.
I'm asking that you share this petition on your social media platforms and to anyone and everyone that cares about animals. Thank you so much!
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