Stop Ethanol Trains through Densely Populated Neighborhoods

I am a tax-paying stakeholder and am deeply concerned about Global Petroleum’s proposal to bring large volumes of ethanol by train to their Revere facility (60-120-car trains, two to three times per week, 280.8 million to 468 million gallons annually).

There are hundreds of thousands of residents, businesses, organizations, churches, health care institutions, schools and other important community resources along the proposal's routes. More than fifty cities and towns are likely to be affected including Cambridge, Somerville, Everett, Chelsea, East Boston, and Revere.

Ethanol is highly combustible and an accident in densely populated neighborhoods would put thousands at risk, without possibility of evacuation from a resulting fire. 

We call on you, the Governor of Massachusetts, to listen to the concerns of the Commonwealth’s taxpayers and STOP THIS PROPOSAL. 

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