One Year Is Not Enough: Demand New York Extended the Adult Survivors Act!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: New York State Legislature

The Adult Survivors Act in New York, a landmark law providing a one-year window for filing sex-abuse lawsuits beyond the statute of limitations, expired on Thanksgiving. While the law was helpful to many, experts are concerned that many survivors may not have heard about the Act or haven't had enough time to process the news and file a lawsuit. This concern is underscored by the significant spike in filings as the deadline loomed, indicating that the one-year window was insufficient for many survivors to take this critical step.

Sign this petition to urge the New York State Legislature to extend the filing period of the Adult Survivors Act, allowing more time for survivors to come forward and seek justice.

Over 3,000 civil suits filed under this Act have highlighted the pervasive nature of sexual abuse, yet countless survivors still need time and support to come forward. The cases against high-profile individuals and institutions reveal a pattern of long-standing abuse and systematic neglect. Extending the filing window is not just a legal necessity; it's a moral imperative to support survivors in their journey towards healing and justice.

The journey of a survivor is deeply personal and complex. The decision to confront past trauma and pursue legal action requires immense courage and often, time. The already passed deadline does not account for these factors, potentially leaving many survivors without recourse.

Sign the petition to call for an extension of the filing deadline under the Adult Survivors Act, ensuring that all survivors have the opportunity to file their civil claims.

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