Stop fracking the UK and call a referendum.

As we can see by the fracking sites opening in th UK, the government no longer feels like it has to listen to it's citizens. There are widespread concerns regarding contamination of local environments.  The Government seems to have given the green light to fracking companies to start fracking the UK, concerned people have been protesting these Frack sites. The use of our tax funded Police force is also of major concern, with nothing but corporate interests being defended and good, honest people who actually care about the issues raised by fracking,,  being arrested and obstructed by the Police. Who are the government representing, seems it's not us (citizens of uk) anymore. They would rather use force against you, than listen to our concerns. We would like to see some open debate on this issue and will not be rail-roaded into submission, this concerns everybody and more importantly, future generations. I believe this issue should not be decided behind the represented peoples back and am calling for a referendum.

Dear Mr Cameron. This petition I deliver to you, regards the concerns of people towards the Fracking sites around the U.K. We don't think it is within your remit to give away these fracking licences, when there is obvious concern amongst not only the British people but also within the scientific community and the political arena. It is not your job to disregard the peoples voice, We are supposed to be living in a democracy and issues such as these, which concern not ony the local resdidents and wildlife but future generations could suffer aswell . There are legitimate concerns about leakage of chemicals into the water supply. I call for a referendum on this issue.Let the people decide their countryside should be fracked. 
 your sincerely. Jason. Whattam. 

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