End Censorship in Turkey: Protect Freedom of Expression

    In Turkey, censorship laws have silenced countless voices, limiting the right to free expression and access to information. Journalists, activists, artists, and ordinary citizens face unjust restrictions, fines, or even imprisonment simply for speaking their minds.

    These laws not only suppress individual freedoms but also hinder progress, creativity, and the ability of society to address critical issues openly. Families are denied the truth, and communities are left in fear of speaking up.

    Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democracy and human dignity. Without it, ideas cannot flourish, and injustice cannot be challenged.

    We call on the Turkish government to repeal censorship laws and uphold the fundamental human right to free speech. Sign this petition to stand in solidarity with those whose voices have been taken away. Together, we can demand a future where everyone can speak freely without fear.
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