Ban trophy hunting in B.C.

  • av: Arlene Mooney
  • mottagare: British Columbia Premier Christy Clark; Environment Minister Mary Polak

In May of this year, Minnesota Wild defenceman, Clayton Stoner, shot, killed and decapitated a tame grizzly near Bella Bella. He subsequently posed for a "trophy" picture, holding Cheeky's bloody head and paws as he mugged for the camera.

Cheeky, the male bear was accustomed to people because ecotourism is hugely popular through the region. It would not be hard for anyone to walk up to these bears with a gun. It is just so wrong to allow bear hunting and bear viewing to coexist in the same area. The definition of hunting implies the pursuit of game. What hunter would ethically or morally even want to shoot and kill a tame bear for a trophy.

Clayton Stoner remains unrepentant and claims he will do it again. Shame on Clayton Stoner and shame on BC for allowing this, all for profit. Collectively, many tears have been shed since this tragedy. Ban the trophy hunt! Pressure the government!!

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