This Man Waterboarded a Dog and Now He Wants His Charges Dismissed

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Washington County District Judge Curtis Thompson
What kind of person would waterboard a dog?

That horrible question was answered last year when authorities raided the house of Frederick Frameli after numerous complaints of animal abuse had reached officials.

One complainant saw the dog owner grab "a pup by the scruff of the neck and slam it to the ground" and hold another dog's head underwater in a small tub of water.

When authorities arrived, they found eleven female dogs, including three wolfdog hybrids, in horrible condition. The dogs were emaciated or underweight, several had skin problems, curling toenails, and dead fleas, urine or feces on their fur. Frameli's own home also reeked of urine.

Luckily the dogs were taken to a rescue facility and Mr. Frameli was held accountable for his actions. Judge Curtis Thompson, found him guilty of 12 counts of animal cruelty and he was fined $1400 plus $500 for waterboarding one of his dogs.

Now, despite some of the abuse being caught on tape and used in evidence at his trial, Mr. Frameli is trying to get the charges dropped.

This is unacceptable. Frameli did the crime, now he must pay the fine. He should consider himself lucky that he isn't doing any time.

Please sign the petition and ask Washington County District Judge Curtis Thompson not to dismiss Mr. Frameli's charges and hold him accountable for the horrible acts of animal cruelty he committed.
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