She Was Caught Torturing Her Dog With a Shock Collar. Demand Justice!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Billerica Police Department

In a shocking incident caught on video, a dog endured severe abuse at the hands of its owner. The footage revealed the use of a shock collar for torture and the animal being struck while confined to a cage. The horrifying cruelty displayed in these acts led to the arrest of the perpetrator on two counts of animal cruelty, but more needs to be done.

Sign the petition to demand the animal abuser get a lifetime ban on animal ownership and mandatory counseling to address what could have caused this!

Thankfully, the mistreated dog and three others from the same home have been rescued and are now receiving necessary medical care. This intervention is vital, but it does not undo the trauma inflicted. We must advocate for these animals to ensure they are placed in safe, loving homes, permanently free from abuse.

Sign this petition to urge the authorities to ensure this person never comes near an animal again!

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