Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to say it loud and clear; Iowa, change the law that states it is legal for anyone to shoot someone's pet without knowing the circumstances as to why the dog is loose. Sometimes dog's get away from their homes accidentally and most people love their animals as members of the family. Shooting a family pet for no reason is a crime! It is getting really bad when anyone can have guns and shoot first, ask questions later! If a dog gets loose, call authorities first rather than end the life of a beloved family member to some unsuspecting pet owner.
Recently, Mr. Doyle was walking with his best friend, Ramsly when the dog inadvertently got away from him. After calling for the dog, he and his mother decided to go looking for their family member, ending up at their neighbor's home. Of course, the neighbor had to know who Ramsly is, living just next door!
Mr. Doyle accounts when asking the neighbor, “I asked her, and I looked her right in the eye and said do you know which way he went? She wouldn’t answer me. I specifically asked her if they killed him or shot him or, if they have him locked up with their other dogs they have over there .She said no, she shot him.”This pet owner, who regarded his beloved dog as his pet, companion, best friend and family member was devastated to learn that his dog was shot!
When confronted by authorities, the neighbor claimed to be sorry for the incident saying that the dog was mangy looking, had no collar, and was harassing their livestock on their property. They want this to be a reminder to always keep a collar on your pet. What is more disturbing is that it is legal to shoot a dog in Iowa for no reason. According to law, it is lawful for any person or peace officer to kill a dog because their rabies vaccination tag is not attached to the collar, or because the collar is not there; it is lawful for any person to kill if their rabies vaccination tag is attached to the collar, but the dog is maiming, chasing, or killing an animal or fowl, or its biting a person.
It is quite disturbing to know that anyone can shoot any loose dog for nearly any reason without asking questions or seeking assistance from authorities. Mr. Doyle agrees that something is wrong with the laws and will never forget how his pet lost its life by a neighbor who should have known Ramsly because he got loose; and it is legal!
Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to say it loud and clear; Iowa, change the law that states it is legal for anyone to shoot someone's pet for no reason without knowing the circumstances as to why the dog is loose. Sometimes dog's get away from their homes accidentally and most people love their animals as members of the family. Shooting a family pet for no reason is a crime. It is getting really bad when anyone can have guns and shoot first, ask questions later! If a dog gets loose, call authorities first rather than end the life of a beloved family member to some unsuspecting pet owner.
Iowa State Law Officials; Hancock County Sheriff’s Office - The laws as you have them set forth regarding dogs is very disturbing and puts people's family pets in danger. It gives anyone throughout your state the permission to shoot and kill any dog they have a dispute against! Make the laws more specific, demanding that no one can shoot at an animal but must first call authorities when a dog enters their property. Often times, family pets get loose, but it does not give a person the right to shoot a family dog, like that of Mr. Doyle's Ramsly. The dog got away from his owner but did not deserve to be shot! Hancock County Sheriff’s Office needs to press charges against the neighbor who took the law into their own hands! Additionally, all owners of pets should ensure their pets have collars, tags and/or a microchip or be fined but do not make it legal to "shoot any dog first and investigate or ask questions later." Change the laws so that it is illegal for anyone to shoot dogs for any reason. If a dog gets loose and infringes on someone's property, call authorities who can subdue the animal in a safe, humane manner rather than just allow anyone to shoot to kill!! The next thing you know, anyone will be shooting all animals they don't like and even humans! It will get so out of hand and puts families and their pet family members in peril!
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