Switch To Advanced Simulators Instead Of Using Live Animals For Trauma Training Courses

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Ashton Carter, US Secretary of Defense

Too often, animals have been used in medical schools as part of research and studies but these cruel practices are finally a thing of the past.  These defenseless beings do not deserve to be cut open and killed in the name of science, medicine and education but the fact is that there are other methods of study other than harming animals. Read more at http://www.peta.org/blog/great-news-no-animals-used-u-s-canadian-medical-training/?utm_campaign=070816%20PETA%20E-News&utm_source=PETA%20E-Mail&utm_medium=E-News

The purpose of this petition is to urge the Department of Defense (DOD) to switch to advanced simulators instead of using live animals for trauma training courses. It appears that there are concerns that the DOD is still using live animals in some of their military studies and research.  Recently, the Johns Hopkins University and University of Tennessee College of Medicine have stopped using live animals, leaving all medical schools in the U. S. and Canada free of cruel animal-based training practices.  I need to ensure that the DOD will also become animal-free, opting for other methods including advanced simulators.  You can help with this issue by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments in favor of protecting animals from such practices.

Ashton Carter, US Secretary of Defense – I strongly urge you to switch to advanced simulators instead of using live animals for trauma training courses. It appears that there are concerns that you are still using live animals in some of your military studies and research.  Recently, the Johns Hopkins University and University of Tennessee College of Medicine have stopped using live animals, leaving all medical schools in the U. S. and Canada free of cruel animal-based training practices.  I need to ensure that you will also become animal-free, opting for other methods including advanced simulators.  Please modernize military medical training, support the BEST Practices Act ASAP and ensure all medical training is animal-free.

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