Stop the World's Largest Animal Sacrifice in Nepal

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: Nepal Right Honorable President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav

Once every 5 years, the largest animal sacrifice in the world takes place in a town a mile south of Kathmandu, Nepal. The slaughter last for two days and includes water buffaloes, pigs, goats, cows, chickens and pigeons. It has been described by some local people as cruel and barbaric, and is without any animal welfare laws.

In 2009 it is estimated that half a million animals were sacrificed- to recieve blessings from Goddess Gadhimai in thanks for wishes granted. Sacrifice is a seen as a way of thanking the deity for good luck, or asking her for fortune and prosperity. "The goddess needs blood," says Chandan Dev Chaudhury, a priest at the Gadhimai temple in the centre of the festival site.Video: Sacrifice at

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We ask the Right Honourable President of Nepal to stop the next animal sacrifice based in superstion of good luck, or to advocate that Hindu gods can be appeased by fruit and flower sacrifices. Please stop this massive display of animal cruelty.

Right Honorable President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav
Office of the President, Republic of Nepal
Sheetal Niwas / Kathmandu, Nepal
fax: ++(977 1) 4416495

Once every 5 years, the largest animal sacrifice in the world takes place in a town a mile south of Kathmandu, Nepal. The slaughter last for two days and includes water buffaloes, pigs, goats, cows, chickens and pigeons. It has been described by some local people as cruel and barbaric, and is without any animal welfare laws.

In 2009 it is estimated that half a million animals were sacrificed- to recieve blessings from Goddess Gadhimai in thanks for wishes granted. Sacrifice is a seen as a way of thanking the deity for good luck, or asking her for fortune and prosperity. "The goddess needs blood," says Chandan Dev Chaudhury, a priest at the Gadhimai temple in the centre of the festival site.Video: Sacrifice at

WARNING! Graphic Images

We ask the Right Honourable President of Nepal to stop the next animal sacrifice based in superstion of good luck, or to advocate that Hindu gods can be appeased by fruit and flower sacrifices. Please stop this massive display of animal cruelty.

Right Honorable President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav
Office of the President, Republic of Nepal
Sheetal Niwas / Kathmandu, Nepal
fax: ++(977 1) 4416495
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