Save Kejimkujik National Park & Historic Site from winter closures

Kejimkujik National Park & Historic Site has been affected by budget cuts put forth by our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. After Thanksgiving weekend there will be no camping (backcountry or general campground) until May 2013. Even worse, this winter the main road will not be plowed past the Visitor Information Center. The gates will be closed at Mills Falls, we are certainly welcome, however the only option will be to ski or hike on the main road. There will be no facilities other than outhouses open during the winter months. This is not acceptable. This park and historic site is very important to our culture, the area, and province and promote healthy living and the great outdoors. These cutbacks are deplorable. I hope you will take the time to sign this petition that will be forwarded to the PMO and Parks Canada. I also encourage you to write your MLA and local papers. Hopefully together we can ensure this doesn’t happen again next year!

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