Sonoma Valley suffers from a severe housing crisis that affects every aspect of our community. The future of our community is at stake.

We, the undersigned, pledge to work together, across boundaries, to increase, improve and preserve housing that is affordable for people who live or work in the Valley within already developed areas to create diverse safe, complete neighborhoods.

By adding your name to this peition, you are joining the broadest coalition in Sonoma Valley, the Sustainble Sonoma Council, in a committment to take action on one of the most important, cross-cutting issues impacting our community.

Signatures are being gathered both online and in person throughout Sonoma Valley. Help spread the word by sharing this link!

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Thank you for signing the Sonoma Valley Housing Declaration. This has been moved to the Sustainable Sonoma website, You are invited to add your name in the comment section.

Thank you for showing support for this declaration, and joining the broadest coalition in Sonoma Valley in a commitment to take action on solutions to our community’s biggest challenges. Contact Kim Jones at if you have questions.
Signera petitionen
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