ADRIA!!! JUSTICE for starved, abused, and neglected animals!
I'm currently in the process of adopting an adult dog who has had a horrible short life of confinement, extreme starvation and neglect. I would like to see background checks done for EVERY ANIMAL ADOPTION IN REGARDS TO PAST CRUELTY CHARGES, because these disgusting low lifes may serve jail time or pay a fine, and still be able to adopt. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren't willing to take on an unpredictable animal, and for good reason, but the people who set the precedent for the outcome of these lives should be held accountable. FELONY CHARGE AND NO HABITATION WITH ANY ANIMAL. EVER.
Uppdatera #37 år sedan
Adria is healthy. She got into 2 dogfights today. She cowered at home depot when I picked up a board. I'm suspecting she was not only starved, but beaten as well. Possibly even
fought? Look up the offender, public records. BRITTANY OSBOURNE SARASOTA FL. I'd just like to know what my girl has been through so I know what I'm dealing with. Anyone with information on the abuser/starver/neglecter, by all means send her my way! JLLPERRYMORE @GMAIL.COM
Uppdatera #27 år sedan
Thank you forever to the angels at the Sarasota humane society for restoring this beautiful dog back to health.. she will live a fantastic, meaningful and spoiled life that will hopefully help her forget her first 4 years of human cruelty.
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Thank you everyone so much for signing. This is such a devastating and important issue that too often gets overlooked. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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