Mayor Suzanne Jones, please do not kill the Armory Prairie Dogs

  • av: P Holmes
  • mottagare: Mayor Suzanne Jones, Mayor of Boulder, CO

A kill permit has been filed to kill approximately 50-100 prairie dogs that have survived against all odds in Boulder City. They are currently boxed into a 8.5 acre site that is surrounded by development, and now apartments and town homes are going to go over their only home.

The city and county of Boulder have tens of thousands of public acres that are intended to help preserve wildlife and native habitat within Boulder, yet they refuse to open up 10 acres for these prairie dogs in desperate need of a new home. Shame on them!

Please join me and urge Mayor Suzanne Jones to work with Boulder residents and WildLands Defense to open up 10acres of public lands for the Armory Prairie Dogs and stop killing this keystone species.

Thanks as always for your support.

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