This has been named by the people: THE BLACK FOOT LAW.

The Law in England today says any driver can hit a cat and not have to stop, try to find the owner, or report it to the authorities. This law is out of date and as yet I have not spoken to anyone who agrees with the way this is set up.

Everyone I have come into contact with have all said the outdated law (which is in favour of the driver) needs changing. If you are with us on changing this then please SIGN this petition.

Black Foot, our 18 month old cat, was killed by a speeding TC Cars taxi cab driver in Solihull Birmingham. The whole incident was captured on our CCTV showing their driver not only was speeding, he didn't even bother to try to brake (even though there was time to do so) and never bothered to stop.

Because of the law our cat was showed no empathy with the authorities when reported. The police don't want to know. Solihull highways said there is nothing they can do, (even though the speeding is a public safety issue). The Police and Solihull highways didn't even ask to view our CCTV footage. Solihull licensing are looking into the incident. But three weeks later they have not returned any of my calls.

But if the Law was changed things would be different. Let's not miss this rare opportunity of capturing this on CCTV and making some good of this and get together and change this outdated law. Please sign this petition now and lets get the law changed.




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Take a look at this tribute video I made for Black Foot.

THE BLACK FOOT WEBPAGE. Please look at the blog for updates. Please feel free to comment on the webpage and blog.

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