This Influencer Tattooed Her Cat and Faced Zero Repercussions!

In 2017, Care2 learned that a Ukranian fitness model had cruelly tattooed her hairless sphynx cat. We called for Instagram to deplatform her for animal abuse and they still haven't done it. Now, she is posting pictures of the tattooed animal again and she has blocked the Care2 Instagram account, probably because our pressure was working. 

Sign the petition to demand Instagram deplatform this animal abuser now. You can also go to the latest photo of Yasha the cat and report it for animal abuse. Care2 does not support doxxing (releasing personal information) of anyone; please just report the image, do not threaten this person's safety. 

The abuse is done now, but she apparently doesn't think what she did was wrong, so who is to say she won't tattoo Yasha or another innocent animal again? Additionally, showing photos like this on Instagram only normalizes and even glamorizes animal abuse. It's important that we send the message clearly: it's never ok to tattoo an animal! 

Tattoos are painful and can even be dangerous. When willing adults get them, they are consenting to putting art on their bodies and they are instructed on how to keep the wound -- and that is what a tattoo is -- clean during the healing process. Cats cannot consent to a painful cosmetic action and the risk this woman took with her cat's health is a sign she cares about looks more than health. This poor sphynx cat now has a massive tattoo across its chest!

She said when she originally tattooed the cat that she wanted to make the hairless cat "as glamorous as her". But there is nothing glamorous about animal abuse. The woman lives in Ukraine and as far as we can tell has faced no consequences there either. The original photo of the cat getting the tattoo is horrible; it's clear the animal is yelping in pain!

Sign the petition to demand Instagram deletes both this influencer's account and her cat Yasha's account.
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