Tell Florida Power & Light: Help Save the Florida Panther!

  • av: Cal Mendelsohn
  • mottagare: James. L. Robo, Chariman of Florida Power& Light

Thousands of acres of rural ranchlands that are also prime Florida panther habitat could become the site of a massive Florida Power & Light Co. power plant. There are only 100 to 160 Florida panthers remaining in the wild, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

The proposed plant with three generating units would be south of Lake Okeechobee in Hendry County and just north of the Seminole Tribe's Big Cypress Reservation. FPL has sunk close to $70 million in land costs into the site for the plant it has not definitely decided it will build.

Aside from further fragmentation of panther habitat, the plan for the plant raises the issue of water availability—the plant could use as much as 22 million gallons of water a day, imperiling local agriculture from nearby Seminole and  other privately owned farms.

Destroying the environment for both people and panthers does not fit the public image that FPL should uphold as a responsible corporate citizen in Florida. Your customers and shareholders deserve to know that you will actively uphold and preserve values of the community and its natural environment for today and for future generations of Floridians. Sign the petition and urge Florida Power and Light to abandon their plans to build a powerplant on Florida panther habitat!



Mr. Lobo,

We understand that the people of Florida have growing energy demands, but destroying the environment of the last few remaining Florida Panthers would be an irresponsible and insensitive way to do it. Certainly also the needs of the surrounding Seminole and white farmers and communities for water and to preserve the natural environment they live in is important too. As customers of FPL they have the right to a safe environment including clean water andpreserving the local character of the places they call home.

Destroying the environment for both people and panthers does not serve the public image and corporate responsibility that your firm should uphold as a truly responsible corporate citizen in Florida. Your customers and shareholders deserve to know that you will actively uphold and perserve values of the community and its natural environment for today and for future generations of Floridians.

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