Schools YES - Towers NO in Boerum Hill

We oppose the 80 Flatbush Alloy Development as proposed for the following reasons.

The largest tower in Downtown Brooklyn will be less than 60 feet from low rise residential buildings. The smaller glass tower will wall off State Street. They will not integrate or respect the scale and design of our adjacent brownstone neighborhood. Any plan should be a “contribution to the neighborhood character” and “ensure development is urbanistically sensitive to the school and surrounding community.”

With a current school seating deficit of over 2100 seats, we object to any construction before additional elementary and middle school locations are identified. We call for REAL City Planning that is not driven by any developers’ plans. Furthermore, these 900 units of housing could result in an addition to the seating deficit.

The two towers will significantly block the sightlines of the landmarked Williamsburg Savings Bank building, a Brooklyn icon. As we build Brooklyn, we should also show respect for our history.

There can be NO loading dock on State Street. This is a violation of our neighborhood that can not be allowed.

Due to the immediate proximity to residential housing, we are deeply concerned about:
• Construction hours (and the conflict with current high school instruction
• Staging of building materials on local streets
• Noise
• Dust
• Traffic congestion
• Fire Department response times
• Trash management

We support the construction of schools but object to the over-sized trade out.

Please your voice to our fight.
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Thank you for signing the petition. Now please go one step further by getting one neighbor to sign TODAY! Pass the link on via emails and post to any social media connections.
Getting more signatures is very important is we are going to SQUASH 80 Flatbush.
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