lets save TILIKUM and all the other ORCAS and set them FREE from sea world

  • av: Tasnim Islam
  • mottagare: head of the US fish and wildlife services

Killer whales are majestic and intelligent mammals they dont deserve to be locked in a tiny container to do follish tricks they are worth more than that... what is being done to them is inhumane .. Tilikum was seprated from his mother at a very young age, and he still remebers that, Shamu was seperated from his mother too. Killer whales have one part in there brains that humans dont evn have that is associated with a sence of belongging and love for their famillies, separtaing them from their pods is like taking air away from them... they have no way of showing their frsutration but to injure and evn kil trainners. please lets save them and release them back into the ocean

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