New Research Shows Crabs Feel Pain. Demand Animal Welfare Laws for Shellfish!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Department of Agriculture and European Union Commission

Imagine being slowly cooked to death in boiling water. Horrifyingly, new research proves what many activists have believed for some time: crabs feel pain. That means that the traditional method of cooking these crustaceans in boiling water is torturing them to death. No living being deserves this cruelty.

Sign the petition to demand the U.S. Department of Agriculture and European Union Commission to revise their animal welfare laws to protect crustaceans from this cruelty. 

The evidence discovered by scientists at the University of Gothenburg shows that when subjected to boiling water, crabs show clear nerve-cell reactions indicative of pain. 

It is clear now, that the practice of cooking crabs, lobsters, and other crustaceans is abusive and needs a more humane solution. This is an animal welfare crisis.

Sign the petition to demand the US and EU end the horrific torture of crustaceans!

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