Do not buy real leather products. The leather industry is a cruel industry.


Real leather shoes and boots are usually very fashionable, beautiful and comfortable to wear. However behind this comfort and beauty there is a very ugly and cruel process that takes place. Many animals are killed every day so that their skin may be used to manufacture shoes, boots, leather bags, leather jackets and perhaps other items. According to the PETA organization animals live and die in horrific conditions so that their skin may be used for the leather industry.

It is unrealistic to say that all people who care about animals do not own any leather products. Leather products are everywhere and are made very accessible to consumers. However this trend needs to change and it isn’t too late to start now. Human beings cannot call themselves civilized if they continue to abuse vulnerable beings in the name of supporting certain fashion trends. Human beings need to be aware that fashion and comfort can be cruelty free.

Please ask shoe companies and leather companies around the world to stop buying and using animal skins to produce leather items. It is time that these companies use canvas, hemp and other synthetic materials to manufacture shoes and various items.


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