SILENT FIREWORKS=to honor those who served man & k 9

  • av: M s
  • mottagare: U S Congress

Veterinarians say July 3rd is usually the most trafficked day in their clinics, with clients coming in to get drugs for their dogs. July 5th tends to be the busiest day of the year for shelters. Dogs become Houdini when they hear fireworks; they panic and escape from their yards that appear perfectly secure other days of the year.

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the idea of silent fireworks shows as a way of respecting their animals. While it’s a move to help sound phobic dogs, it also is helpful for Veterans with PTSD. CNN reported, “Loud noises that sound like gunfire and other explosive blasts can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder. The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs estimates 11% to 20% of military members who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from the condition in a given year.”

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