Kickstarter: Please Allow Retailer and Bulk Discount Reward Levels

  • av: Angus Abranson
  • mottagare: Kickstarter (

Kickstarter is a fantastically useful funding platform for many designers and small businesses. It allows fans to back projects and make dreams come true. It also allows designers and companies to reach out and get their ideas into the marketplace as well as directly into the hands of their supporters. Until now retail stores could support the projects they liked to help them achieve funding goals - and fans could purchase multiple copies of items at either a discount or with bonus material thrown in.

Kickstarter have just banned the use of 'retailer levels' and 'bulk discounts' on their site.

This means that backers can no longer get discounts for pledging for multiple copies and also cuts retailers out of the loop entirely. This not only deprives the projects designers access to often much needed funding but also means that the retailers can not directly support designers/companies that they have faith in - and as many Kickstarter projects are not available through traditional distribution chains it deprives the retailers of ever being able to stock that item and make it available to new fans to discover through their stores.

This petition is to ask Kickstarter to review their new policy of banning bulk discount and retailer levels and allow both to be offered as reward levels to campaigns.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you can lend your voice.

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