Demand an End to Animal Control Trapping and Removing Stray Cats on French Drive

  • av: John C
  • mottagare: Animal Control

Animal control informed constituents of the Frenchwoods Neighborhood that they would trap stray cats on French Drive and take them to the shelter. As these cats are not adoptable, they will be killed. These animals keep to themselves in their woods and do not approach people, and run when people approach unless we are bringing them food. We object to this action.

These are “second chance” cats who have been vaccinated, spayed/neutered as evidenced by the fact they have all had notches cut out of one ear. This is part of a “catch and release program” so the cats can stay in their habitat but not reproduce. When cats are moved to a new area, especially cats who have lived in one place for several years they will try to get back home. It would be nearly impossible for them to find their way back to their woods without being injured or killed, and once they get home they may be taken to the shelter and killed. These cats are innocent victims who do not deserve to die, they have done nothing wrong, they are not vicious, they are not attacking people. All they want is to live in peace in their woods and occasionally have food and water put out for them, especially when it is very cold or very hot. These animals deserve to be left alone.

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