Stop Montreal from Legislating Against, and Killing, Pit Bulls

'By the end of 2019 . . . owners of dogs considered “pit bulls” under the new guidelines would additionally be required to undergo a criminal background check, keep their dog muzzled and on a leash less than four feet long in public and pay a $150 permit fee.
'“There are a lot of low-income and homeless people in Montreal who simply won’t be able to afford all of the criteria they need in order to get the special permit,” Alanna Devine, animal advocacy director of the Montreal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, told The Dodo. “Those dogs will have to be seized and have to be euthanized.”'

Please give all breeds of dog the same fair and humane treatment.

Mayor Coderre,

Please stop the law requiring criminal background checks for owners of pit bulls, and any laws which would remove peaceful dogs from their homes and/or kill them.

Merci, et avec appréciation,

Joshua Friedman

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